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Odyssey School of Denver

  • 6550 East 21st Avenue, Denver, CO
  • https://odysseydenver.org/

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Apply by Apr 25, 2025

Adventure Coordinator


min experience

salary range

$40k - $55k / year

Additional Job Details

International Applicants Allowed?
Work Visa Sponsoring Available

Job Overview

The Odyssey School of Denver is a diverse, K-8 Expeditionary Learning (EL) charter school. We believe in teaching students how to learn through a focus on academic achievement, critical thinking, and social responsibility, preparing them for high school and beyond. Our EL curriculum is supported by a robust outdoor Adventure program in which all students and staff participate. The Adventure Coordinator will work closely with the Director of Adventure to facilitate Adventure Programming for students. 


Primary Responsibilities include: 

  • Assist with the scheduling and execution of adventure programming, including content development and all aspects of planning for K-8 full day and multi-day adventure experiences. 
  • Lead/co-lead 7 to 8 multi-day overnight camping trips with student crews in both the fall and spring trip seasons.
  • Lead/ co- lead day trip experiences with crews in the Winter and early Spring seasons.
  • Provide support in all aspects of day & multi-day trips to include logistical planning, parent volunteer and crew lead coordination, packing out and leading 1 to 5 day trips. Collaborate closely with crew leads,Odyssey staff and parent chaperones before, during and after trips. Plan, facilitate and debrief adventure trips with crew leads in a timely manner.
  • Assist in acquiring permits from various agencies including BLM, NPS and NFS.
  • Lead groups of 10-40 students in a variety of activities including rock climbing, backpacking, hiking, Class I/ II paddling, environmental education, cross country skiing, mountain biking, snowshoeing, canyoneering, survival skills, camp craft, service learning and team development.
  • Assist with managing and maintaining Odyssey’s risk management policies for experiences out of the building.  Align school policies with DPS policy and outdoor industry standards. Evaluate programs and make risk management decisions as needed. 
  • Work with the Director of Adventure to ensure that all adventure activities are implemented on a cost-effective basis and within the determined budget for the year.
  • Assist with managing an inventory of adventure equipment, supplies, and clothing. 
  • Ensure that all adventure gear is maintained, repaired, and replaced as necessary. 

Special Benefits

Compensation & Benefits

  • This is a full-time position (193 days as indicated by the school calendar) between July 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026. In-person start date is August 1, 2026. 
  • Pro deals
  • Health and retirement benefits included

Minimum Requirements


  • A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience in a related field such as education, recreation, environmental education or adventure education
  • Strong communication, technology and organization skills
  • Exemplary trip leading and logistics planning skills
  • Experience working with diverse populations and a variety of age groups
  • Technical skills in camp craft, backpacking, biking/mountain biking, snow shoeing, water activities and climbing (Wilderness First Responder or higher certification required  and AMGA SPI, PCIA top rope or equivalent certification highly recommended)
  • Ability to drive a 15 passenger bus, a bike/ raft  trailer and a 12 passenger van
  • Experience in program evaluation, risk analysis and managing volunteers. 
  • Ability and perseverance  to be out in the field leading overnight and multi-day trips for multiple weeks in a row in the Spring and Fall seasons

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