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Honey Lake Valley Resource Conservation District

  • 170 Russell Avenue, Susanville, CA
  • honeylakevalleyrcd.us

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Apply by Jun 30, 2023

Deputy Watermaster

As a Watermaster, you will play a critical role in managing and overseeing water resources within the jurisdiction of the Susan River Watermaster Service Area. Your primary responsibilities will include ensuring the fair allocation and efficient use of water resources while maintaining compliance with established regulations and water rights agreements. The Honey Lake Valley Resource Conservation District (RCD) recognizes the importance of attracting and retaining skilled professionals in the field of water resource management. As part of their commitment to fostering a motivated and dedicated workforce, the RCD offers a competitive wage for the their employees that stands out when compared to the cost of living in Susanville, California. Beautiful Natural Surroundings: Susanville is located in the scenic Honey Lake Valley and is surrounded by stunning landscapes. Living in Susanville, you will have the opportunity to work in close proximity to breathtaking natural wonders, including Lassen Volcanic National Park, Plumas National Forest, and numerous lakes, rivers, and streams. This setting provides ample opportunities for outdoor recreation, relaxation, and inspiration.


min experience

salary range

$27 - $35 / hour

Additional Job Details

International Applicants Allowed?
Work Visa Sponsoring Available

Job Overview

More details can be found on our website at HoneyLakeValleyRCD.US

Field Work:
Field Work is heaviest during Irrigation Season March 1- October 31 during which regular
measurements and adjustments of dams and diversions is necessary. The Watermaster
may be expected to work weekends as needed.
Accurate and timely measurement of dam structures and diversion structures. Including
the measurement of weir flows, gauge readings, staff gauge readings, in stream time-
distance measure, and submerged orifice measures. Supplementary knowledge on these
and other methods will be provided.
Adjustment of dams and diversions; modification of 2×6 or larger boards, turning of wheel
Collect detailed records of daily activities, including areas visited, measured flows and
diversions, diversion adjustments, significant conversations and phone calls, and
problems. Maintain a copy of these records in the RCD office.
Drive in rough terrain utilizing either UTV or a truck.

Legal Decree Administration:
Ensures water right holders are receiving their water right allotment as described by
adjudicated decrees.
Maintenance of up-to-date records of decree information and present-day owners.
Read and comprehend the Decrees and recorded agreements that define water rights
within the Susan River Watermaster Service Area (WMSA)
Dispute resolution between water users
Maintain and update field schedule, control cards, and ArcGIS map database for each
stream in the Susan River WMSA.
Determine one’s own work hours and overtime as needed to achieve effective and
timely administration of the decrees.

Office Work:
Office Work is year-round but heaviest November 1- February 28 and when stream
flows are low during the irrigation season.
Year-round office work includes secretarial work such as scanning and filing receipts,
handling mail, file sorting, and maintenance of fieldwork data records in the RCD office.
Handle the acquisition, creation, or maintenance of equipment, vehicles, and databases.
The contacting of water right holders about such items as precipitation, likely runoff, and
consequences to diversions, problems with diversions and diversion structures, and
disputes between water right holders.
Work directly with HLVRCD legal team regarding current litigation and retrieve any
additional documentation that is necessary.
The Wastermaster is encouraged to develop projects, reach out to cooperative
agencies and engineering firms in order to apply for Grants for the Service Area.
Expand the Operations Manual for the Susan River WMSA.

Develop Annual Use Report to be submitted to the Lassen County Superior Court,
which includes the irrigation seasons measures and happenings.
Create a Bi-monthly written report for Watermaster Advisory Committee (WAC)
meetings, summarizing the past 2 months’ activities and water conditions.

Public Relations:
Field phone calls, texts, and emails from water users’ questions about the water availability,
concerns or problems within 24 hours.
Wield authority necessary to order water users to curtail water or limit water diversion in
accordance with water usage limits described in the decrees.
Take necessary measures in the field and office to resolve disagreements between water
right holders over water rights.
Watermaster Service Annual Budget and Apportionment:
Work with the RCD District Manager to develop an annual Watermaster Service budget.
Gather information from the County Assessor’s Office and other entities to maintain
accurate records.
Redetermine water rights as a result of land modifications and sales to determine the
water right amount adjudicated to the modern APNs.
Prepare an annual billing of water service fees for all users proportional to their water
Meet court mandated deadlines for mailing, filing, or notification of water users or
government official of various documents.

Special Benefits

$27.00 to $35.00/hour, depending on experience. Full or partial
medical insurance can be reimbursed. Maxi-flex schedule. Work truck stationed at home.
Teleworking options for office duties. Maximum winter time and location flexibility.

For the 1st year- 3 hours PTO, 4 hours Sick Leave per biweekly paycheck; increased to 4 hours PTO and 4
hours Sick Leave after the 1st year of service. Opportunity for pay increases.

11 Paid Holidays, 2 Paid Half-Holidays.

Minimum Requirements

Graduation from a four-year college or university with a Bachelor's Degree in a Physical Science

Ability to Swim

Living locally or willing to move to the Susanville/Lassen County, CA area. Due to the
nature of this job, this position is not eligible for remote work, especially during field
season, but does have options for telework during the winter months.

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