The Whitewater Center offers a variety of part-time and seasonal positions at the world’s premier outdoor center. Whitewater staff are responsible for delivering exceptional experiences through outdoor activities, summer camps, field trips, instruction, team-building programs, festivals, races, competitions, and food/beverage services. We are seeking team members that engage with guests and deliver high quality programming through every facet of the operation. Our primary goal is to find motivated, bright, hardworking, and dedicated individuals. Departments include Outdoor Sports, Food and Beverage, and other Hospitality functions.
No previous technical skillset is required. Whitewater staff will train and teach the hard skills required for each role.
Age requirements vary by job and the responsibilities undertaken. The minimum age for any applicant is 16, but some positions require a higher minimum age.
Candidates with broader availability are preferred; limited availability may impact an applicant’s employment potential.
The placement in a specific role will be determined at a later phase in the selection process. The applicant’s interest in a specific job and any existing technical skills, along with the Whitewater Center’s current needs, will be considered before a job offer is extended. Applicants interested in a specific opportunity should state their employment preferences in the online application.
We have worked and lived in some of the best places on earth. The experiences that come with seasonal and full time work in adventurous settings are life changing to say the least. We built this job board to share those opportunities with passionate job seekers while connecting employers to the best possible candidates.
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