If working in Alaska and being around wildlife sounds like the adventure you would like to experience, Waterfall Resort offers what you are looking for. Along with employment, we include room and board, which means everyone has an opportunity to make some money while spending very little if they want. It is very common to have deer and an occasional blackbear walk through camp, have humpback whales swimming by the dock right in front of Resort, and Bald Eagles flying overhead. On days off, some people may go on a day hike or venture out in our company skiff or possibly with one of our fishing guides to try their hand at fishing.
Our Dockhand Department is a very instrumental part of our company in making sure our guests receive a high quality experience during their trip to Alaska. They are responsible for many tasks around the property, ranging from: assisting with the loading and unloading of guests, baggage and freight on our daily floatplanes, helping unload guests off boats after a day of fishing, making sure each guests receives their respective fillets after the fish cutting team processes the day’s catch, all the way to collecting garbage around camp. Without our Dockhand Team, the Resort would come to a screeching halt.
Willing to be a team player
Ability to lift 50lbs
Be comfortable with working many hours outdoors, rain or shine
Able to keep a smile on your face and be friendly with guests at all times
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