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Salmon Valley Stewardship

  • 107 South Center Street, Salmon, ID
  • https://www.salmonvalley.org/

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Apply by Apr 05, 2022


Passionate about the outdoors, recreation and education?


min experience

salary range

$20 - $20 / hour

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Work Visa Sponsoring Available

Job Overview

Salmon Valley Stewardship (SVS) is seeking a highly motivated individual to integrate outdoor education, outdoor recreation, land stewardship, and economic development to strengthen and support the communities in the Salmon River Region of Central Idaho.

Classification:             Part Time, Exempt; 80% Full-time Equivalency (32 hours/week) with potential for FTE increase with program growth

Salary:                         $20.00 hourly

Location:                     Salmon, Idaho

Reports to:                 Executive Director (ED)

Performance dates:   Start date as soon as possible or before June 1, 2022

Position Overview:

The Outdoor Education and Trails Stewardship Coordinator will provide leadership for outdoor recreation and outdoor education, recruit and manage a network of volunteers, coordinate with land management agencies and partners, organize outreach events and safety trainings, lead fundraising efforts, and communicate with a wide array of audiences. The ideal candidate will join the SVS team to advance a stewardship program by teaching land and river ecology, fostering cultural connectivity and community driven science, cultivating recreational opportunities, and developing trails maintenance skills.

About Us:

Since 2004, Salmon Valley Stewardship (SVS) has promoted a sustainable economy and productive working lands in the Salmon River Region of Central Idaho. Our vision is that of a community where stewardship of the natural resources is at the core of the social, economic and ecological vitality of the region.

Salmon Valley Stewardship’s strategic plan includes specifically building youth engagement and awareness of our incredible outdoor recreation and natural assets. Since 2012, SVS has partnered with the Salmon Field Office Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Salmon School District, and other partners through an established Hands on the Land (HOL) program, which has evolved into a valued program that integrates classroom curriculum with field trips to public lands sites several times a year. Our Trails Program began in 2012 and supports a variety of community needs through trails and recreation focused programming in partnership with the Salmon Challis Trails Group.

Coordinator Responsibilities

The Coordinator will establish respectful working relationships and coordinate with various community partners, individuals, and the Salmon-Challis National Forest (SCNF) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recreation staff to determine outdoor education and trail stewardship needs and priorities.

Outdoor Education (40%)

  • Plan and coordinate outdoor education activities throughout the school year.
  • Develop educator-ready distance learning modules in the event that the Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact the school year, public transportation, and social gatherings.
  • Identify and build relationships and complementary projects to our existing roster of outdoor education programming and support other youth activities in the broader community, such as out-of-school programming.
  • Work with SVS staff and community partners to design and integrate strategic and culturally appropriate Outdoor Education and Stewardship goals into existing and future program activities and lessons.

Trails Stewardship (40%)

  • Implement the goals of Salmon Area Trails Action Plan and other outreach activities.
  • Coordinate Salmon Challis Trails Group (SCT) meetings with SCT members to create meeting agendas and assist in guiding conversations towards implementation and outcomes of mutually agreed upon goals.
  • Develop and implement a Trails Stewardship program with the SCNF and partners, including identifying a list of adoptable trails in Lemhi County and developing a framework for signing up Stewardship volunteers to “adopt” trails and reporting trails maintenance activities.

Program Development and Support (20%)

  • Work closely with SVS staff to approach new relationships and build stronger alliances with Agai’dika/Lemhi Shoshone partners to support mutually beneficial activities.
  • Increase our organization’s network of volunteers and partner organizations to help support Outdoor Education and Trails Stewardship projects and activities.
  • Continue to leverage non-federal sources of funding for Education and Trails Stewardship projects by assisting with grant-seeking and writing, fundraising events, obtaining sponsors, and when funds are acquired, by assisting with reporting requirements.
  • Provide consistent and timely outdoor education and trails stewardship outreach and public relations support to SVS, including press releases, social media communication, SVS newsletter contributions, and other outreach materials.

If selected for this position, a background check will be conducted.

Salmon Valley Stewardship is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Our programs and employment are open to all. We value diversity and do not permit any discrimination against applicants, employees, or volunteers on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status, medical condition, or disability, or any other status protected by applicable law or statute in any of our policies or programs.


How to Apply:

Email resume and cover letter in PDF form describing your experience and why you’re interested in the position, to [email protected]. Please include how you heard about this position. Applications without cover letters will not be reviewed.

Label email title: Stewardship Coordinator Application – Your Name


Questions? Email [email protected]

Posting Date: 3/15/2022.

Closing Date: 4/05/2022 or until position is filled.

Timeline: Applications submitted before April 5th will be prioritized, and applications accepted until the position is filled. We hope to fill this position as soon as possible. Initial interviews will be held early April.

http://www.salmonvalley.org/       https://www.facebook.com/salmonvalleystewardship/

Minimum Requirements

  • Experience or Education in outdoor education, youth education, and/or similar program management.
  • Experience managing trails projects, including reports, budgets, and monitoring outcomes.
  • Ability and desire to work with recreation-focused partners including government officials, NGO partners, citizens, and landowners.
  • Confidence and experience with community outreach, communicating with the public both in writing and verbally, and social media.
  • Possess skills suitable for grant-writing, including attention to detail, grammatical accuracy, creative/and or technical writing skills.
  • Understanding of risk management and willingness to train in outdoor first responder/first aid/CPR.
  • Ability to collect and report monitoring data through detailed notes and use of GPS, storing and organizing data using common software.
  • Knowledge of GIS or ability to work closely with skilled GIS personnel. Proficiency in Word, Excel, Web Browsers, or similar programs and confidence in Google drive and/or Office 365
  • A safe driving record and high comfort level operating a 4-wheel-drive vehicle on rough roads.
  • A high level of physical fitness (ability to hike up to 1-3 miles with a light pack).
  • Self-motivation and initiative. Organization and efficiency.
  • Willingness to work flexible hours, some nights and weekends will be required.
  • Ability to work cooperatively in a team environment.
  • Ability to work with volunteers in various outdoor education activities and effectively delegate tasks.

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