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Conservation Legacy

  • 147 Dinkel Avenue, Mount Crawford, VA
  • https://appalachiancc.org/
  • partnerships

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Apply by May 02, 2025

Summer Crew Leader


min experience

salary range

$650 - $1.1k / week

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International Applicants Allowed?
Work Visa Sponsoring Available

Job Overview

The Crew Leader II position is an opportunity to make a difference in young peoples’ lives while completing conservation projects on public and private lands. Leaders will be mentors, educators, and facilitators for young adults, working to promote the health and resiliency of our land, air, and water. 

The Crew Leader II position requires patience, a consistently positive mental attitude, mentorship, technical aptitude, focus on efficiency, and a high level of competence in the outdoors. It also involves an administration role, where weekly paperwork is due in a timely manner to supervisors. Finally, crew leaders must exhibit the ability to effectively work on diverse teams and those from a variety of populations and communities. 

Projects take place across the Appalachian Region, including work with the US Forest Service, National Park Service, and other land managers. During their time in the field, leaders camp overnight and work outdoors in all types of weather conditions, performing heavy manual labor related to environmental conservation and restoration projects. These hands-on projects include visitor access improvements, trail construction and maintenance, habitat restoration, invasive species treatments, historic restoration, disaster relief, and much more. Most projects require hiking out to remote work sites for the day with tools, equipment, and day pack. 

Typically, crews will meet at the ACC office in Harrisonburg, travel in a crew vehicle to their project site and remain in the field for 9 days at a time, followed by 5 days off. While in the field, crews work 10 hours a day. ACC is an independent, non-residential program. Participants are responsible for their own housing, food, and transportation when not in the field. In addition to providing food while in the field, ACC will provide group camp equipment, tools, protective gear, and transportation between ACC offices and project sites.  

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