Our staff comes from a local pool of motivated outdoor enthusiasts, with diverse backgrounds and a unique story to tell.
The position of Operations Manager is a crucial part of a 4 person management team working under the 2 company owners. The Operations Manager works in collaboration with the Administration Manager, Business Manager, and Logistics Manager. As a team, they develop systems and procedures for crews to carry out desired forestry, arborist, land management, and consulting projects as directed by and to the standards set by company owners. The Operations Manager supervises multiple crew foreman and crew leads on a daily basis throughout the year for the full range of tasks that make up Alpine Forestry’s workload, but together the management team problem-solves and coordinates day-to-day functions.
The Operations Manager is the primary connection between the crew and the management team, plays an essential function in ensuring projects are completed safely and on time, and works closely with the Logistics Manager to coordinate various necessities for specific projects. The Operations Manager coordinates with the Business Manager and Company Owners for job assignments, while providing pertinent daily details about the crew needed by the Administration Manager in a timely manner.
Core values at AF include building a culture of safety, strong work ethic, healthy team dynamics, and rigorous initiative. Personal qualities required of the Operations Manager are self motivation, attention to detail, trustworthy to be exemplary amongst the organization, and possessing a distinct sense of commitment to the team and mission. Professional qualities desired are strong communication skills, experience in planning and management, and overall good business sense. As a growing small business, Alpine Forestry needs to fill this role with someone who has a relevant background to support immediate work. Industry specific experience is the primary determining factor of starting salary.
Field and Business Operations 60%
Local project management
Assist crews in field work
Prescribed fire
Fire suppression assignments
Logistical 10%
Logistically support field work
Vehicle maintenance and improvements
Facilities maintenance and improvements
Administration 30%
Scheduling crew
Project planning
Vehicle / equipment tracking
Hiring and outreach
Training facilitation
Crew performance reviews
Training opportunities:
Technical felling
Wildland and Prescribed fire training
Arborist track
Natural resource track
Machinery, chainsaws, and equipment
Consulting work
“Alpine Forestry is committed to achieving fire adapted and resource rich landscapes through detailed planning, comprehensive treatment, and sustainable management. We seek to be an industry leader in best land practices, environmental stewardship, and strong community partnerships.”
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