Wildman Adventure Resort is a premier outdoor adventure center with 9 adventures including some of the best whitewater rafting in the Midwest. While we're known for offering exciting whitewater rafting trips down the scenic Peshtigo and Menominee Rivers, we also provide our guests with a full array of outdoor adventure activities.
Overlooking the rapids and nestled within the old-growth forest of the Northwoods of Wisconsin, Wildman Adventure Resort offers many outdoor adventures ranging from mild to wild. We have a little something for everyone - whitewater rafting, lake kayaking, ziplining, rock climbing, and more!
Wildman Adventure Resort is a premier outdoor adventure center with 9 adventures including some of the best whitewater rafting in the Midwest. While we're known for offering exciting whitewater rafting trips down the scenic Peshtigo and Menominee Rivers, we also provide our guests with a full array of outdoor adventure activities.
Overlooking the rapids and nestled within the old-growth forest of the Northwoods of Wisconsin, Wildman Adventure Resort offers many outdoor adventures ranging from mild to wild. We have a little something for everyone - whitewater rafting, lake kayaking, ziplining, rock climbing, and more!
We have worked and lived in some of the best places on earth. The experiences that come with seasonal and full time work in adventurous settings are life changing to say the least. We built this job board to share those opportunities with passionate job seekers while connecting employers to the best possible candidates.
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