Located in the central Puget Sound basin, Vashon-Maury Island is passionate about retaining a rural and natural character amidst today’s rampant development. Vashon-Maury is surrounded by the Puget Sound megalopolis where population has doubled in the past twenty years, and natural places are being paved over at a rapid rate.
The Vashon-Maury Island Land Trust was founded in 1989 by a dedicated group of islanders who were concerned about preserving Vashon and Maury. Since that time, the Land Trust has been instrumental in the acquisition and permanent preservation of over sixteen hundred acres of carefully chosen property on Vashon and Maury. An additional 3000+ acres, enrolled in King County’s current use taxation program (the Public Benefit Rating System), are protected and being stewarded by private landowners.
In 1998, the Land Trust was able to buy the little building, now the Land Trust Building, on Bank Road between the Senior Center and Fire Station. The Land Trust building houses our office and is the venue for Land Trust educational programs as well as being available for individuals and community groups to rent for a host of programs and events.