We are the Guardians of Wilderness. The Society for Wilderness Stewardship is made up of people who work in, recreate on, and care about wilderness. We are the trail builders, wild researchers, poop-scoopers, wilflower watchers, and bridge builders. We work closely with the US Forest Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, and Fish and Wildlife Service, to take care of the National Wilderness Preservation System.
The Society for wilderness Stewardship is a 501(c)3 non-profit. Our Mission is to promote excellence in the professional practice of wilderness stewardship, science, and education to ensure the life-sustaining benefits of wilderness.
We do this by: convening the stewards of wilderness to discuss emerging issues in wilderness management at the annual National Wilderness Workshop; providing training and career advancement to wilderness professionals through our Wilderness Fellows Program and Wilderness Ranger Academies; engaging and educating wilderness gateway communities through our Wild Town designation and place-based learning programs; and completing research in wilderness areas to make sure wilderness stays wild.
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