Northwoods Wilderness Therapy proudly serves as the first established New Vision Wilderness program. Located in the beautiful Northwoods of Wisconsin, we are a team of highly trained professionals dedicated to transforming the experiences of struggling students and families.
Established in 2007, Northwoods provides trauma-informed, attachment focused, wilderness immersion therapy to pre-teens, adolescents, and their families. Using some of the most innovative, yet trusted, therapeutic techniques our team works directly with the nervous system to “reset” the student’s physical and emotional experience.
Northwoods Wilderness Therapy operates year-round and accepts students through a rolling admissions process. The Chaquamegon National Forest provides a beautiful and diverse landscape for our field area. With specialized programming for each season, students may find themselves hiking, canoeing, climbing, ice fishing, and dogsledding among other peak Adventure Experiences. Our program is positioned for “back country” immersion in a field area that is simultaneously located close to town. This allows staff and supplies to move quickly to our student groups. In the event a student requires medical evaluation or care they are only a short distance from hospital and medical services. High accessibility to our cabins, close proximity to our leadership team, and strategic operations have all contributed to Northwoods Wilderness Therapy setting an industry leading record in safety.
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