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Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board

  • https://extension.wsu.edu/mason/noxious-weed-program/
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About Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board


It is the mission of the Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board (MCNWCB) to protect the citizens, natural resources, and agricultural resources of Mason County from the degrading effects of noxious weeds.

MCNWCB holds the flexibility to address local weed control priorities. Developing an annual Mason County Noxious Weed List from the State Class A and B designates and then choosing from the rest of the State B & C lists can most effectively target noxious weeds on a local level. By controlling noxious weeds, landowners protect life and health, improve habitat for fish and wildlife, maintain native plant communities, and minimize the impacts to agriculture production. All state listed noxious weeds are non-native plants that have been introduced to Washington through human actions.

For more information about MCNWCB, please visit the Boards website.

Mason County Noxious Weed Control Program staff are available for community education programs and consultations with land owners to discuss weed management options, including measures to prevent the establishment of noxious weeds on their own property through the use of integrated pest management (IPM) principles. Staff also support several ongoing noxious weed control projects, including cooperative invasive plant management in the Olympic National Forest; giant hogweed eradication; knotweed control along high priority riparian corridors; perennial pepperweed control in estuarine environments along south Hood Canal shoreline; and survey and control of noxious weeds in WA State Parks.

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