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Apogee Adventures

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About Apogee Adventures

About Apogee

Apogee offers summer outdoor adventure programs to teenagers. We provide students with well-designed hiking, biking, community service, writing, photography, and language programs varying in length from one to four weeks in spectacular locations throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and Latin America. Other activities include sea kayaking, surfing, snorkeling, stand-up paddle boarding, ice climbing, rock climbing, and whitewater rafting.

We travel in small, supportive, co-ed groups led by dynamic, responsible, and well-trained leaders. In this environment, Apogee’s primary goals are for students to experience a strong sense of community, build their confidence, and gain a greater appreciation for the outdoors. Working together with their group, students will push themselves - physically, socially, and emotionally - to learn about themselves and achieve new heights.

We want our students to return home with a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence that carries over into all aspects of life - and we strive for our staff to gain as much from these experiences as our students.

Why Work here


Will Pittman – Washington & Lee ’24

“I grew more as a person in my few months with Apogee than perhaps any other time in my life. The dynamic and the environment Apogee has fostered is really incredible; I think it’s a workplace like no other, and I will be lucky if I work somewhere in the future with a culture as good. As a leader, it is incredibly rewarding to realize at the end of a trip that you have given these kids a positive formative experience. This job takes you out of your comfort zone, puts you in new situations in which you are challenged and must adapt and improvise – this is the stuff that has a monumental effect on your growth and maturity. You can expect to have had an incredibly rewarding and meaningful summer experience and grow in more ways than you thought were possible.”

Ben Thibeau – University of San Diego ’21

“You are in for one WILD ride, and for the best dang summer of your life! An Apogee summer will change your life in all the best ways, give you life long friends, incredible skills, and the ability to tackle whatever challenges come your way. It is a busy summer of hiking, biking, essay writing, photography, service, or whatever else you’re doing, and you will be tired, but it’s the most rewarding experience in the world. Not only are doing something so incredible that so few people get the chance to do, you are bringing a group of young adults around Cape Cod, into the backcountry of the Pacific Northwest, or to the glaciers of Alaska. You get to expose these young people to the wonders of the outdoors and see them grow over the course of your trip. They will face challenges, and so will you, but you will have such a vast toolkit and support network to draw on that you truly will be unstoppable this summer.”

Michelle Mouw – Northeastern ’21

“Working for Apogee feels like living life to its fullest. You are constantly surrounded by fellow leaders, staff, and students who inspire and challenge you to be the best version of yourself. On top of all of this, you get to facilitate a trip for kids where they experience that magical sense of wonder and excitement about the world that only a trip like Apogee can bring. My summer with Apogee brought so much joy and so many new friends into my life that I am forever changed!”

Josh Calianos – Dartmouth ’22

“This summer is entirely what you make of it. If you put the effort into appreciating and knowing your students, you’ll help them find reserves they never knew they had. If you want to make friends, the leader cohort is the most interesting and talented group I’ve ever been around. Take pictures and keep notes, because it ends quicker than you think it will. And when you look back on those pictures, you will have something to be proud of if you dug in during the tough times and laughed during the crazy ones and told every kid that they can do even more than the day before.”

Elliot Wilson – Bates ’21

“Working with Apogee is an honor. It is all at once challenging, rewarding, exciting, and dynamic – every day presents a new adventure with a group of students. I came away from the summer feeling like I had grown alongside my students, gaining hard skills in bike touring and all areas of camp life, along with countless soft skills in leadership. An Apogee summer is as wonderful for leaders as it is for students, and it provided me with a breadth of skill sets and experiences that will shape my life and perspectives for years to come.”

Daryl Konstandt – University of North Carolina ’20

“My summer with Apogee was truly the summer of a lifetime. Apogee provides an experience full of self-discovery, exploration, and vibrant people and places. It is difficult to articulate the immense gratitude I have for Apogee, Kevin, and Chad. After a single summer as an Apogee leader, I can emphatically say that I am a more confident, resilient, independent, self-aware, and intentional person. Not only did I grow as an individual, but I also gained outdoor skills that I will practice and broaden for life. Apogee uniquely renders a remarkable environment in which you can grow alongside the Directors, other leaders, and your students. I consistently felt heard and supported. Undoubtedly, throughout the ups and downs of life, I will always be able to draw on the lessons and experiences gained from Apogee.”

Jonathon Haist – University of Florida ’20

“After working with Apogee for a summer, I felt incredibly filled. Filled with experiences, stories, happiness, and lasting connections to truly beautiful people and places. This, without a doubt, stems from Apogee’s focus on creating an intentional community. The Directors are so genuine, caring, and supportive that it makes working for them an absolute joy. Not to mention the other leaders are – hands down – some of the most remarkable people I have ever met! Not only do you get to be a part of this community, but you also get to share it with students while leading them through some insanely beautiful places. Seeing the students grow together, develop a love for the outdoors, and discover a passion for adventure is infinitely rewarding. This job gives you an amazing opportunity to bring joy and excitement into other people’s lives, and it will surely do the same for you!”

Jordan Mullens – Wake Forest ’19

“Leading for Apogee was transformative and invaluable. Joining a welcoming community of intelligent, kind, hard-working, and down to Earth individuals was the perfect transition for me after my college graduation; leading others was easier knowing that I had an astounding support system and family in Brunswick. Kevin, Chad, and the Assistant Directors are some of the most empathetic people that I may ever have the chance to work for. They are truly passionate about enriching the lives of others, and their love of serving others transcends their entire organization. Witnessing them pour every ounce of their being into Apogee on a daily basis inspired me to do the same. Aiding in the growth of the next generation was beyond rewarding and made me feel fulfilled at the end of every day. I am thankful for the opportunities Apogee gave me to challenge myself (and others), overcome adversity, and grow as a person. Working for Apogee has made me a happier human!”

Liana Margolese – Cornell ’19

“Leading for Apogee is hands down the most rewarding way to spend your summer. As a leader you have the rare opportunity to empower students to do things they never thought possible, whether that be biking across state borders or cooking up a delicious stir-fry in the mountains of Spain. Chad, Kevin and the amazing Assistant Directors have built a one-of-a-kind support system that allows you to be challenged and make mistakes, while enabling you to be the best and most successful leader you can be. Skills gained through Apogee are lifelong, and are readily transferable to any post-college venture. The Apogee family is truly unique in its warmth and inclusivity, and I cannot think of a better way I could have spent my summers than as an Apogee leader. Empowering students in beautiful places alongside incredible individuals who quickly become lifelong friends… What more can you ask for?”

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About Adventure Job Board

We have worked and lived in some of the best places on earth. The experiences that come with seasonal and full time work in adventurous settings are life changing to say the least. We built this job board to share those opportunities with passionate job seekers while connecting employers to the best possible candidates.

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