Fearless when it comes to thrilling adventure, our guides literally go to great “heights” to provide our guests with an extreme excursion they will long remember. They safely guide our guests through the zip-line course that features 11 zips with many of them that go over waterfalls. Our guides love being with people and are very good at keeping our guests entertained all throughout the tour. In between tours, our guides help perform general maintenance on the course and its equipment and perform other chores around camp (such as chopping wood, cleaning bathrooms, etc.) as well. Sometimes, our zip-line guides may be asked to greet our guests at the cruise ship docks and provide them with a narrated tour on the way out to camp. So, sometimes, this is a CDL required position.
Our zip-line guides love being around people and enjoy making sure they experience they tour of their dreams. The position involves a high level of guest interaction, so exceptional customer service skills is a must. They also have the ability to lead and direct groups of people. They are extremely detail-oriented when it comes to safety. Lastly, they do not have a fear of heights. Sometimes, our zip-line guides are required to get a CDL, so a clean driving record is a must. You do not need a CDL in order to apply. We provide all the training needed to obtain one.
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