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Calypso Farm and Ecology Center

  • 4780 Old Nenana Highway, Fairbanks, AK
  • https://calypsofarm.org/

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Apply by Mar 01, 2022

Camp Counselor/Farm Education Intern


min experience

salary range

$15 - $15 / hour

Additional Job Details

International Applicants Allowed?
Work Visa Sponsoring Available

Job Overview

Apply now to be a camp counselor at Calypso’s summer Farm Camps! Develop your leadership skills, learn techniques for working with children and youth, and learn all about (and practice!) principles of hands-on, outdoor education. No experience is necessary – you just need a strong interest in learning to work with children of all ages in an outdoor setting. Throughout the summer, Farm Education Interns will receive training on working with youth, hands-on education, farming and boreal forest ecology, and more. Based on your own interests, there may also be the opportunity to work with Calypso’s Field Trips and other farm-based education programs!

Roles and Responsibilities
• Be camp counselor and instructor at all Farm Camp sessions
• Assist the Lead Educator and Assistant Camp Director with all aspects of running Farm Camps,
including set-up and clean-up, program development, and teaching
• Develop and lead your own lessons for camps throughout the summer (training will be provided as
• Develop and lead a non-camp youth education program by the end of the summer (such as a family
workshop on a topic like gardening or wool crafts)
• Assist with Farm Field Trips and other summer youth education programs, as needed
• Assist with the implementation of all Safety Policies for Camps and other education programs
• Assist with end of season evaluation for Farm Camps

Founded in 2000, Calypso Farm and Ecology Center is a non-profit, educational farm in Fairbanks, Alaska. We offer hands-on education programs for all ages and grow fresh food for the community. We encourage environmental awareness in both farming and natural ecosystems, and our farm is surrounded by beautiful boreal forest. Our education programs are all hands-on and based in principles of environmental and outdoor education and place-based learning.

What is Farm Camp?
Farm Camps are week long day camps held at Calypso Farm for youth ages 5-15. Teens aged 12-15 assist with the camps as Junior Counselors. Farm Camps offer children a farm immersion experience, exposing them to all aspects of farm life and boreal forest ecology through hands-on learning and exploration.

What are Calypso’s Field Trips and other farm-based education programs?
Calypso offers field trips to youth aged pre-K through 12th grade as well as families and community groups. Field trips are a fun, hands-on way for kids to explore the farm, guided by Calypso educators. Calypso also offers other educational programs like family workshops on topics like gardening, ecology, and farm-based crafts, and a Fall Farm School program for homeschool students running mid August-September.

Special Benefits


  • $15/hour
  • Weekly veggie share throughout the growing season

This is a seasonal position that runs May 23-August 12, 2022. Start and end dates are somewhat flexible, and the opportunity may exist to extend the position through September 30, 2022.

Minimum Requirements

• At least 16 years of age
• Interest in working with children and youth of all ages
• Comfortable working outside rain or shine
• Able to adhere to CDC guidelines and Calypso’s protocols for
COVID-19 safety throughout the season
• Belief in Calypso’s mission (see below)
• Interest in learning about farming and boreal forest ecology
(bonus if you are already knowledgeable in these areas!)
• First Aid & CPR certified (training provided)
• Able to pass a Background Check to work with children

TO APPLY: Please send a copy of your resume, the contact information for 3 references (could be work related, former teachers, mentors, etc.), and a cover letter that addresses the following questions to Leila Pyle, Calypso’s Lead Educator, at [email protected] (link sends e-mail). We will then contact you about an interview!

1. Describe why you are interested in being the Camp Counselor/Farm Education Intern.
2. Describe any outdoor/environmental education experience that you have, or other experience working
with children. If you don't have experience in this area, please describe your interest in working with
3. Describe something you'd hope to learn or an area you'd like to grow in as the Farm Education Intern.
4. If you were a vegetable, what would you be and why?
5. How did you hear about the position?

Please visit https://calypsofarm.org/employment/ (link is external) for more information.

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