Summer Camp Counselor
Great Basin Institute at the Galena Creek Visitor Center
The Great Basin Institute (GBI) is an interdisciplinary non-profit organization that promotes environmental research, education, and conservation throughout the West. Founded in 1998 at the University of Nevada, the Institute’s mission is to advance applied research and ecological literacy through community engagement and agency partnerships to support national parks, forests, open spaces and public lands. The Great Basin Institute enhances community engagement through our Interpretative Association status at the Galena Creek Visitor Center (GCVC), a USDA Forest Service facility jointly managed by Washoe County Regional Parks and Open Space. The Galena Creek Visitor Center, located just 30 minutes from the Lake Tahoe Basin and within the Galena Creek Regional Park, is a useful community resource for locals and tourists alike. Straddled between the Great Basin Desert and the Sierra Nevada Mountains, this 400-acre Regional Park is made up of Washoe County and U.S.D.A. Forest Service lands. The park’s unique geographical location provides visitors with a close look into high desert, pine forest, alpine meadow, and freshwater ecosystems and the diverse flora and fauna that reside there. At the Galena Creek Visitor Center, our team works hard to take advantage of this beautiful natural area by engaging the community in outdoor, environmental education programs designed to enhance ecological literacy, promote environmental stewardship, and inspire the next generation of scientists. Our mission is to increase public understanding, appreciation and wise enjoyment of the many natural, cultural, historical, and recreational resources of the Galena Canyon area and the Mount Rose Scenic Byway.
Position Description:
The Great Basin Institute at Galena is seeking 3 Summer Camp Counselors for 9-week AmeriCorps positions beginning on Monday, June 7th and extending through Friday, August 6th. Camp Counselors will be responsible for assisting Summer Naturalists with the implementation of 8 weeks of Great Basin Institute at Galena Summer Exploration Day Camp beginning the week of June 14th and extending until August 7th, 2020. Each week of day camp will last 5 days (Monday-Friday); programming begins at 9 am each day and ends at 5 pm. All curriculum is standard-targeted with themed activities which center around the unique natural setting of the Galena Creek Regional Park. Camp themes relate to the natural and cultural-history of the area including topics like animals, plants, ecosystems, geology, survival, conservation, and more. Camp Counselors will assist Naturalists to facilitate camp programming, supervise participants and enforce Center rules, lead engaging games and crafts, guide hikes in the park, and oversee exploration-time and play. Camp counselors will work with Summer Naturalists to facilitate memorable outdoor programming that safely engages youth in the natural world. Camp counselors will also support the fulfilment of our Summer Camp-in-a-Box program – a COVID-19-born virtual education opportunity that provides vulnerable and at-risk youth with the resources needed to safely enjoy summer camp activities from home. Camp counselors may be asked to assist with general community outreach at the Galena Creek Visitor Center including hosting the Center’s front desk, facilitating toddler and homeschool programs, leading guided nature hikes in the park, assisting with special events, and more.
Compensation and Benefits:
Position Timeline:
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